Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Head Is Throbbing Like A Cow

Gosh, my fever is back again! Why am I sick so often nowadays? I used to be really healthy, like I never had fever in three years. But now, my fever comes back occasionally. I think I'm gonna die. Sigh, I guess I should become a fruitarian. My body really needs a lot of vitamins.

My blog is like dead. I haven't been blogging, even though there were many times when I wanted to. The screwed up photo uploader contributes to the reason why I haven't been updating. I don't like posting without pictures, though I guess I should get used to it.

There are soooo many things that happened, and if I were to expound on them one by one, it's gonna be a horrifyingly long post. Let me share them in point form:

1) North Zone tournament is over, which also means no more NZ for me anymore. Kinda sad actually. I'm sure gonna miss playing netball! Here is an update of our match status:
  • Woodlands Ring vs Canberra - Lost
  • Woodlands Ring vs Northland - Lost
  • Woodlands Ring vs Serangoon - Won
  • Woodlands Ring vs Christ Church - Won
  • Woodlands Ring vs Woodlands - Won
I started out playing netball as a Centre and Wing Attack player. Those were my positions in the 'C' division North Zone. And now as a 'B' division player, I started playing Wing Defence, and even Goal Defence and Goal Keeper! Who would have thought that I'd play GD and GK!

2) I'm in deep shit because I have a pile (literally!) of E.Math and A.Math homework which was supposed to be completed by last week! Some was even due a month ago. Thank God Mr. M Lim haven't asked for them yet. Thinking about doing those Math homeworks makes me sick.

3) I have Show Luo's 8th album 《独一无二 Only For You》! I pre-ordered it from HMV at SGD$33.95. It's the 48-pages photobook version. And my 独一无二 (unique) serial number is 20605. Yes, those who have the pre-ordered version each has a unique serial number because there are only 30 000 of it in the world!

4) I'm getting the Touch My Heart night light version of the album technically later this afternoon!!! Apparently Popular has it. But I got the message from Charis instead of Popular itself, which pissed me off cuz I left my name and number with CD Rama since 28 January and they said that they will get back to me if they have any information about the album. Thank God Charis told me and thank God I called bloody Popular to reserve it. And luckily they apologized for not contacting me earlier. Pfft.

5) My internet at home is screwed up! I guess it's good cuz it keeps me off the laptop... I mean I should be studying instead of lazing around online!

6) I read a book about Aung San Suu Kyi, and she's my new hero!

7) I spent Monday night on Wikipedia, reading about Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and the ongoing unrest in the Middle East. Y'know what, I don't get it. Why are people fighting (Thailand vs Cambodia over the temple; the Middle East riot) when there are thousands and thousands of people in this world who are suffering from hunger?!

Sigh, is world peace ever going to happen? The world is going to end, might as well enjoy life and stop all the bloody wars.

8) I think I'm gonna create a Chinese blog, hahaha.

9) Tomorrow is E-Learning day!


That's all for the updates. It's 3:35am now, I think I'm gonna sleep some more, since seems to be sleeping right now. I couldn't do my assignments all of a sudden.


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